Taklif: Ideas of Femininity
Panel Discussion
Taklif: Ideas of Femininity
November 9, 2018
3:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m
Keynote Speaker
Professor Dr. Minoo Derayeh, York University
Panel A:
Parnia Vafaeikia, PhD Student in Study of Religion, University of Toronto
Panel B:
Nazik Dakkach, MA Candidate in Art History, UQAM
Concordia University,
E.V. Building – E.V. 1.605
1515 St-Catherine st. West
Introduction & Keynote Address
Iranian Women’s Literary Contributions
Professor Dr. Minoo Derayeh, York University
Tea Break
Panel A
Taklif: Law and the Collective Memory of Female Body
Zoha Abdolalizadeh (PhD Candidate, Internarial Law, Allameh Tabataba’i University)
Taklif: Reversing the Re-appropriation of Menarche
Elham Beygi (PhD Candidate, Legal Philosophy, McMaster University)
Taklif: The Articulation of the Hegemonic Discourse of Islamic Republic of Iran through the Obligatory Ceremony of Jashn-e-Taklif: A Lacanian Review
Batoul Firouzan (MSc. Theoretical Psychoanalytic Studies, UCL)
Jairan Gahan (Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Near and Middle Eastern Civilization, University of Toronto)
Tea Break
Panel B
Textile as an Alternative Medium of Resistance in Works of Contemporary Female Artists from Pakistan
Kanwal Syed (PhD Candidate, Art History, Concordia University)
On “The Girls of Enghelab Street: Performance and Protest, In conversation with: Golrokh Nafisi”
Setareh Arashloo (MFA Queens College, CUNY)
New Archives, Old Histories: Feminist Thinking on Archiving
Noor Bhangu (PhD Student, Communicate & Culture, Ryerson/ York University)